“The Information Is Invaluable!”: Mziwozuko Fuma, 10X Hub Entrepreneur

Mziwozuko Fuma 10X Hub Entrepreneur

Recently in South Africa, the 10X Hub held their own entrepreneurial competition — the 10X Pitch-Off. Five winners were chosen out of a massive 800 participants, including Mziwozuko Fuma. We caught up with him to discover his story and what he’s gaining in the intense incubation program… 

The Grant Cardone Foundation launched the 10X Hub initiative in 2021 to help startup entrepreneurs with financial education. Mziwozuka– also known as “Ta’Zuka”– Fuma got involved with the Hub after being involved in a couple different industries.

However, he wanted to ensure his current venture, Fuma’s Funerals and Headstones, was a booming success. This business creates, designs, and manufactures tombstones.

Let’s hear what he had to say about his journey up to the 10X Hub and winning the 10X Pitch-Off.

Mziwozuko Fuma is Fulfilling an Important Role Through His Business

51-year-old Fuma grew up in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Unfortunately, his father was never present in his life and his mother passed away when he was very young. Both of these events left an indelible mark on his life.

Nonetheless, Mziwozuko found comfort in faith. As a result, he remains an avid church-goer to this day. This would play a role in his choice of business down the road.

Throughout his life, Ta’Zuka was involved in several industries. For several years, he worked with the Department of Health. Then, he left to start his own plumbing company.

It was during this time that Mziwozuko Fuma was introduced to his true calling, the funeral industry.

“[The funeral business] relieves the burden and pain that individuals suffer when they lose someone to death,” Fuma explains. “I saw that the people within my community suffer dearly — as graves couldn’t be identified clearly. Culturally, funerals and burials per se play a big role amongst my community.”

Because of the importance of his role, he enrolled in the 10X Hub program to educate himself.

Turns out, he was thinking too small…

How You Think Can Change Your Life

Initially, Mziwozuko Fuma hooked up with the 10X Hub because he was struggling with marketing his tombstone company. Subsequently, he found that wasn’t his biggest obstacle.

The aspiring entrepreneur was only thinking in terms of the bare minimum. Fuma wanted enough for him to survive — his basic life amenities covered — but the Hub helped him 10X his mindset.

“It has completely changed my mind… The assistance you are provided unconditionally and you have nothing to lose.  The information is invaluable, they are not just a normal funder but they value relationships and they add value and believe in longevity.” — Mziwozuko Fuma

Ultimately, that is what matters — giving people like Mziwozuko the tools they need to fulfill their purposes and thrive.

For more information on the Grant Cardone Foundation and the 10X Hub, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

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